Monday, November 9, 2009

The Flu....

So, our family got hit pretty hard with the yucky flu. I started off with H1N1, then Kyle wasn't feeling too hot and yesterday Alexis got sick with vomiting and a fever. Aiden has a slight fever too but we're praying that it is teeth since he's a drooling machine! After 2 weeks, I am almost better but Miss. Alexis is still the sick one in the house. She's asleep on the couch right now... too sweet. I just want to snuggle with her all day long!

As I was rocking Aiden last night I was reminded of how incredibly lucky I am and our kids are to have Kyle. He is just incredible. We were getting off the exit for church when I realized Alexis threw up so he swerved off the road and pulled over to grab her out of the car. He didn't think twice or even make a peep when I asked him to wipe all the throw up off her car seat and he was so attentive to her all day long.. didn't even want her in her crib alone- just in case she got sick. And then when Aiden was up at 3, he got up to rock him for almost two hours so that I could snuggle with Alexis and try to get some sleep.. and he was up at 6 this am for work.. .at a job that he hates with a boss who is so unfair and rediculous! He is truly the best!

Aiden rolled over yesterday! He was laying on his belly for "tummy time" and I was snapping photos and wa la... he rolled. He is growing up so fast. 4 months already! I am not sure how to do this photo thing so the above photos are in the wrong order.. but I am sure you can figure it out!!

Monday, November 2, 2009


So, I was very disappointed not to be able to take the kids to CT to wear their costumes and have a little Halloween get together with their cousins but I've been rediculously sick.. so sick that my mom had to drive up from CT to watch the kids while I was in bed and Kyle worked. It was such a relief to have her here and the kids of course loved their time with their nana! We still dressed them up on Saturday so that we could take photos but decided against trick or treating since we don't really need the candy anyways. Here are a few photos of our little bumblebee and monkey :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26, 2009

So, I've decided that I am going to make a real effort to keep this up to date so that everyone can know what is going on in our lives! Things are going really well for us. Every day is an adventure as I've begun my role of "stay at home mom". I am looooving being home with the kids and feel so incredibly blessed to be able to do so! Kyle is working so hard and trying to stay motivated with his job while he also keeps his options open for something different. We are praying a lot to be lead in the right direction and are hopeful that we will end up in CT so that we can be closer to some of our family. It is so important to us that our kids are able to know their family so we'll see what happens.

It's hard to believe that Alexis will be TWO in just a few months! Time has flown by. She is doing great adjusting to having a little brother and is just loving him beyond measure. She asks to hold him all the time and has even been able to give him a bottle when dad was away! She is talking more and more every day and even requested that we go to the MALL when Kyle asked me "where to next" while we were out on errands! She loves playing in her kitchen making tea and cooking but is also starting to sit and listen to stories more. She is great at her art work and enjoys playdough too!

Aiden is doing great and continues to grow and grow. He is almost four months old but the size of about an 8 month old! He's loving to laugh and has recently found his hands and is trying to put everything into his mouth. He adores his big sister and truly lights up when she's around! It's so fun to watch the two of them interact- even at such a young age!